June 08, 2007

Fuhh, sh*t!!



i must admit, before clicking on this video, i was expecting some typical lame ass wannabe who's just making a fool of himself. But nooooo...i was totally blown away from the very first measure of the song. He's like cross between John Mayer and Jamie Cullum wey!!

another one.

and yeps, that's what i usually say when i get blown away by something... (not wind larr), but u know like great music..
and watching these really made me go "Fuh...sSHiiit"..

anyways, this guy's name is David Choi and there's more videos of him on youtube.



weesee said...

wah lau!!!
i can imagine the Fuh shit!!!!
it's definitely FUH SHIT!!!
he is damn good.
I like his voice and the way he sings. I usually have a thing for voice that have a rough edge to it....and he is definitely the man!!!!!

weesee said...

Oh....another thing....
definitely a guy to fall for!!!!

Freddy a.k.a Opt/Srai/Lit said...

his voice, fingering are definitely not matching with his looks (not trying to be prejudice, but yea.. the latter just couldnt match up with the attributes he has). And oh yea, he cant scream.

Aaron K. said...

weesee: Geng leh!! hehe... to fall for? hmm..well at least not according to freddy..hehehe

freddy: exactly what i thought before i clicked 'play'.. ! lols.. and i agree, he's screaming is off key, but other than that, fuhh...