May 29, 2007


Since watching the parody of the LOTR by Billy Crystal, i was kinda stuck in nostalgic mode for a while.. and credit to my friend, yi pin, i managed to find the title of my all time favourite anime from way way back in 1997..


translation: panas mia darah palling kuat

anyways, i was really all over this anime and if my memory serves me right.. Astro used to screen this at 5.30pm everyday on wah lai toi..

i was in standard 5 that yr and of course like most of our typical Malaysian parents, they would declare that standard 4 marks the end of honeymoon years. From then on, every year will be important. when you are in:
std 4: UPSR syllabus covers std 4, gotta get serious
std 5: Next year UPSR d, dun pray pray
std 6: UPSR year..what more can you say? prolly scared the shit out of me w all the pressure.
F1 : Things are getting serious from now onwards, UPSR was nothing. (and u wish phones w video recording feature was invented to tape them the previous yr)
F2: Next yr PMR.
F3: PMR yr.
F4: most students think they could take a break after PMR, but noooo, next yr SPM, your future arr..
F5: SPM yr, the life and death year.

anyways (sorry , i tend to digress), i was only allowed to watch one show before dinner time since we had Astro. As a 11 yr old kid, i couldn't possibly watch just one single show! i loved dragon ball as well which was screened on AEC at what did i do? i sneaked downstairs, plugged in my earphones (one ear ONLY) before turning on the TV
*smiles widely and shows off teeth*.

And of course at 4.00 p.m..i was back in my room finishing off my homework..mission accomplished =) 5.30pm, i gladly receive my reward for completing my homework and watch which brings us back to this topic, darah panas paling kuat.

So basically, this anime is about this bunch of school kids who can sorta summon robotic dinosaurs.. and incidently, these robots is the school! how cool is that huh? imagine your classroom turns into this friggin big plane, takes off and *boom* . rockets up to the sky and fight villians! cool right?!?! okay nvm.. moving on..

so the first part of the series starts off with this very basic robot call Saurer.

you're probably wondering how the a school turns into this eh? well, we all know the japanese are the best in the business when it comes to all these "transformations" thingyee.. even Transformers have to go "sao pei"..'s how they do it =)

don't u just love the way they shout? super semangat wey!!

and this is how the robot finishes off the opponents!

the season moves on..and they discovered two other new robots, namely Magnasaurer and Gransaurer.

and of course just like any other typical robot cartoons, how can they resist merging them into one Gigantic-Ultra-Big Arse robot!!?

listen to the song in the background again..
hear anything along the lines of "Let's get psycho!" !! hahahaha...well i'm glad i didn't start singing "let's get psycho" in front of my parents, they probably would've freaked out and totally banned me from watching animes...

btw, the Gigantic-ultra-Big Arse robot is called King Gozaurer, you can hear the name in the song as well which i must say it's quite nicely written, inspiring i would say?

so there you go, my favourite anime of all time, panas mia darah paling kuat - Gosaurer.
in fact, darah panas palling kuat sorta meant human spirit, passion or sth. In several occasions when they were on the brink of losing, they would give like "inspiring" speeches to jeer the other students.. speaking of this, don't u ever wonder that whenever the robots were shot at, the kids feel the pain? it's like their nerves are somehow connected to it through their spinal cords or sth? guess how cool/twisted it'll be if they actually showed that? ........... moving on- i watched it in Cantonese and the word "Gam cheng" was constantly uttered. and i must admit, now that i think of it, it's super hilarious... but think of it, this carries a message across to the Japanese kids, i mean it is really quite good to teach the kids not to give up easily and that human spirit is a very powerful asset we all have. For all you know, the fact the Japanese are so darn hardworking and work their asses off might be a result of all this animes? hmm..research topic anyone? *grins. wrap's the opening theme of the show:

laugh if u want, but I'm so gonna download this anime and keep it just for collection.. heck, i'll just watch it on my way back to Malaysia =)

thanks for reading if you did.



-Catstrophrone- said...

haha. no one's gonna laugh at you lar. XD anime(s) does not equal to cartoons. hehe.

i only say that coz' im an official anime freak. haha.
sneaking out of the room to watch tv? typical-child-like, haha.
you grinning? unimaginable. haha.
its gonna be funny.

collecting it is a good thing to do. if you can still find seeds for it on the net, of course. i mean, it is a very old anime.

research on anime influencing japanese peeps? good idea. XD maybe most of 'em will say they work so hard as they learnt it from tv. hahahaha.

btw, i thought i told you not to read the buggy post? hahahaha.

by kitty.

-Catstrophrone- said...

wow. i think i typed too many "haha"(s)


HobbiT said...

wah!!! Aaron!!! You're still a kid!!! YAY!!! ahahah! *good to know i'm not the only one* =p

Aaron K. said...

catstrophone: u wrote so much that i've no idea what to reply =) shall reply u online? lols. but yeah..i want the oepning theme and i've found the torents! muahaha..

hobbit: hahaha... guess deep down inside we all are kids eh? still need guidance regardless of our age..=)